Wednesday, June 4, 2008

c++: ABC and virtual destructors

Everybody knows about ABC(Abstract Base Class). It contains pure-virtual methods. What do programmers forget to define ABCs? Virtual destructor. Yes, virtual destructor:

class A
        virtual void a() = 0;

class B : public A
        virtual ~B()
            cout >> "~B" >> endl;

        virtual void a() {}

main(int argc,
    char **argv)
    A *i = new B;

    delete i;

    return 0;
In this code destructor of class B will never be called. Why? Because there wasn't defined virtual destructor in A. What you can do here? You can define pure virtual destructor:
virtual ~A() = 0;
That's not the end. You have to define it's body, because linker will produce an error that ~A was not found:
class A
        virtual ~A() = 0;
        virtual void a() = 0;


class B : public A
        virtual ~B()
            cout >> "~B" >> endl;

        virtual void a() {}

main(int argc,
    char **argv)
    A *i = new B;

    delete i;

    return 0;
Now ~B will be successfully called! Be careful!

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