Tuesday, December 23, 2008

asm: overwriting return point of the function/stack overflow

Stack overflow is a common attack in programming world.
To understand how it could be done we should be aware about the function's stack and how the function is being executed and how it passes the execution of the code in the parent function after its call.
The stack of the function, at least in *nix, should look like

|function parameters| <--top of the stack(higher memory addresses)
|---return  point---| <--%esp
|--local variables--|
|-------------------| <--bottom of the stack(lower memory addresses)
Let's examine simple program written in asm. It has a function pc that puts giver character onto stdout and adds '\n'. In main this function is called with argument which value is '*'.
 1 .text
 3 pc:
 4     pushl %ebp
 5     movl %esp, %ebp
 7     subl $4, %esp /*4 bytes for local variables*/
 9     pushl 8(%ebp)/*get value of the function parameter*/
10     call putchar
11     pushl $0x0a /*new line*/
12     call putchar
13     addl $8, %esp/*allign stack*/
15     movl %ebp, %esp
16     popl %ebp
17     ret
20 .global main
22 main:
23     pushl $0x0000002a /*character '*'*/
24     call pc
25     addl $4, %esp/*allign stack*/
27     movl $1, %eax
28     movl $0, %ebx
29     int $0x80/*exit(0)*/
I set a breakpoint on line 4 in gdb and got the information about the registers
(gdb) i r
eax            0xbfae0a34 -1079113164
ecx            0x312f6668 825189992
edx            0x1 1
ebx            0xb7fa4ff4 -1208332300
esp            0xbfae09a4 0xbfae09a4
ebp            0xbfae0a08 0xbfae0a08
esi            0xb7fe2ca0 -1208079200
edi            0x0 0
eip            0x8048384 0x8048384 <pc>
Address of %esp is 0xbfae09a4, so here is the top of the stack of our function pc.
In *nix world stack of the process grows from the higher memory addresses to the lower ones. So to get function parameter we should add 4 bytes to %esp(the size of return point is 4 bytes)[Note, on line 9 I pushed the address of %ebp + 8 because after 'pushl %ebp' value of %esp increased with 4 bytes.]
(gdb) x/c 0xbfae09a4 + 4
0xbfae09a8: 42 '*'
Yes, here we have '*' _because_ we indeed pushed it onto the stack on line 23. In %esp we can find the address of the return point
(gdb) x/x 0xbfae09a4 
0xbfae09a4: 0x080483a7
0x080483a7 is the address of the next instruction after the call of pc in main. Let's check.
Going through instruction in gdb I got out from pc
(gdb) n
pc () at fcall.s:17
17  ret
(gdb) n
main () at fcall.s:25
25  addl $4, %esp/*allign stack*/
(gdb) i r
eax            0xa 10
ecx            0xffffffff -1
edx            0xb7fa60b0 -1208328016
ebx            0xb7fa4ff4 -1208332300
esp            0xbfae09a8 0xbfae09a8
ebp            0xbfae0a08 0xbfae0a08
esi            0xb7fe2ca0 -1208079200
edi            0x0 0
eip            0x80483a7 0x80483a7 <main+7>
You can see that value of %eip is 0x80483a7, so we were right. To make a program run any other code rather than return to the parent function the address of the return point has to be overwritten.
The following code attempts to do so.
It has function evil which address will be written to the return point of the function pc. Function evil writes '%\n' on the output and calls exit syscall with exit code 1.
 1 .text
 3 evil:
 4     pushl %ebp
 5     movl %esp, %ebp
 7     pushl $0x00000025 /*character '%'*/
 8     call putchar
 9     pushl $0x0a /*new line*/
10     call putchar
12     movl $1, %eax
13     movl $1, %ebx
14     int $0x80/*exit(1)*/
16 pc: 
17     pushl %ebp
18     movl %esp, %ebp
20     subl $4, %esp /*4 bytes for local variables*/
22     pushl 8(%ebp)
23     call putchar
24     pushl $0x0a /*new line*/
25     call putchar
26     addl $8, %esp/*allign stack*/
28     movl %ebp, %esp
29     popl %ebp
31     movl $evil, (%esp)
33     ret
36 .global main
38 main:
39     pushl $0x0000002a /*character '*'*/
40     call pc
41     addl $4, %esp/*allign stack*/
43     movl $1, %eax
44     movl $0, %ebx
45     int $0x80/*exit(0)*/
The result of the exucution of this program should be
$gcc fcall.s -o fcall -g
$echo $?


Unknown said...

Thanks a lot! It helped me a lot to understand more asm.

Ni@m said...

Hello, Ubay.
I'm glad that you liked this article.
Thank you!