Tuesday, April 14, 2009

emacs: proper kill-whole-line

I'm using emacs not for a long time but I really liked it. It took not much time to get used to it. Though emacs doesn't have some function you are free to write them in elisp easily!
I used to vim's 'dd' command which kills current line and later you are able to yank it.
emacs has 'kill-line' function to kill line from the current point except newline character or 'kill-whole-line' which kills following newline also. This doesn't fit me entirely. I would like to kill the whole line from the beginning including newline character. Simply you can wrap 'kill-whole-line' with adding an instruction to jump into the beginning of the line and finally kill it.
Looks like everything is done except the situation when you want to yank it back. When you'll try to yank the killed line you'll see that besides wanted line you have an extra newline. It was annoying for me to yank and kill the appendix. Finally I wrote my variant of 'kill-whole-line' - kill-total-line:

(defun kill-total-line ()
  (let ((kill-whole-line t)) 
        (setq top (car kill-ring))
        (setq last (substring top -1))
        (if (string-equal last "\n")
                (let ()
                  (setq stripped (substring top 0 -1))
                  (setq kill-ring (cons stripped (cdr kill-ring)))
This 'kill-total-line' function kills the line from the beginning to the end and cuts newline symbol of the killed line in the kill-ring if any. Now I'm happy to kill lines and yank them back!

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